We offer 15hrs for 9 months to 2-year olds and 15/30hrs for 3 to 4-year olds!!!
We offer 15hrs for 9 months to 2-year olds and 15/30hrs for 3 to 4-year olds!!!
Admission procedures are tailored to meet children's individual needs. This helps them to settle quickly and to develop a sense of belonging. valued.
The childminder uses her secure knowledge of how children learn to good effect. She provides a range of activities that capture their interest. This helps to motivate them to join in. Children make independent choices about their play.
The childminder makes regular observations and assessments of children's learning.
She monitors their progress and plans next steps to aid their development. The
childminder provides good levels of challenge for children. This helps them to make
Children are happy and settled. They share good supportive relationships with the childminder. This helps to promote their emotional development
The childminder supports positive behaviour. Children play cooperatively and willingly share resources. For example, they gently remind each other that 'sharing is caring'
Parents' comments are very positive about the quality of the childminder's provision. supporting their social skills.
The childminder plans regular outings into the local community. This helps to widen children's experiences. For example, they mix with others at local toddler groups. This contributes to supporting their social skills.
The childminder attends regular training, which contributes to supporting her professional development. This has a positive impact on children's learning and their well-being.
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Fexmar Childcare Ltd
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